Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Getting Ready!

January 21, 2020

Hard to believe this day has come.  In just four days I will be traveling to Honduras with Healthy Ninos Honduras.  How did I get involved with this team?  My aunt and uncle (Vernon and Linda) have asked me if I would be interested in traveling with them one year.  Well, that time came and I’m totally excited about this trip.  Joining me will be my sister, Marlene, and friends, Sylvia & Bill.  There will be a few other individuals I do not know and  will become “new” friends.

Our work will take place in the northern part of Honduras.  We fly into San Pedro Sula and will travel about 90 minutes south to the mission house and branch off each day from there.

What does this trip look like?
Healthy Niños focuses on helping children with malnutrition and their families, specifically in the San Francisco de Yojoa, Cortes area of Honduras. Child Survival Programs include the Nutrition Center, deworming programs, medical & construction brigades, & community education.  Since this is a new team for me, I’m not 100% sure what our responsibilities will be.  I am sure we will be doing things we do not normally do day but day.  Stay tuned for details. 😀

Please use the itinerary as a prayer list.             

Saturday      January 25    Travel to San Francisco de Yojoa
Sunday        January 26    Work at the Nutritional Center and Mission House and later visit Waterfall.
Monday       January 27    7:30am – 3:00pm   El Sauce, Las Vegas Santa Barbara
Tuesday       January 28    7:30am – 3:00pm   Buena Vista de Barsovia, Taulabe Comayagua
Wednesday  January 29    7:30am – 3:00pm    La Victoria, Santa Cruz de Yojoa
Thursday     January 30    7:30am – 3:00pm    El Picacho, Santa Cruz de Yojoa
Friday          January 31    7:30am – 3:00pm    Los Ovitos, San Antonio de Cortes
Saturday      February 1    10:00am    Leave to SPS airport

Specific prayer requests:
  1. HEALTH:  with all the illnesses going around right now, that we can all stay healthy before and during our trip.
  2. TRAVEL:  safety as we travel from Baltimore to Miami and finally into Honduras.  Also safety and smooth travel for our trip back home on February 1st.
  3. CUSTOMS:  Smooth transfers through customs in Honduras as well as back in the US (Miami)
  4. Healthy Niños TEAM:  Pray for the group leaders as they direct the team and the individuals at the Mission house that we may be a blessing to them.
  5. HONDURANS:  As we give of ourselves, may we be a big blessing to the people in the communities we will be visiting.  May they feel the love of Christ through us and feel safe with the Americans (Gringos) in their communities. 
  6. TRANSLATIONS:  As we work through translators, may we all stay calm and not anxious.
Thank you to each of you for you prayers and support of our trip.  I will make every attempt to update daily but that all depends on what our WiFi is like.  If I can’t update daily on the blog I will make an effort to at least send an email update.  


Sylvia & Bill


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