Sunday, January 26, 2020
My alarm went off at 2:22am! Well, it wasn’t my personal alarm but the noises of Honduras. Started out by dogs barking nonstop. Their job at that hour is to get all the roosters and chickens up. 😩. By 3:30, all the chickens had been notified it’s time to get their meeting started. The problem with this is the dogs did not realize the chickens were ready to start their meeting and they continued barking. Now the chickens apparently were not happy how their meeting as Hong so they ALL continued with their serenading. I was able to doze off and on but finally got up around 5:30. What a way to start a day.
Today was our first “work” day. We started off by heading up the path, between the corn fields, to the Nutrition Center. The Nutrition Center is where children, who have been identified as malnourished, come with their mother to get education on better eating habits which ultimately leads to a healthier child. They spend anywhere from several weeks to several months at the Center before heading back to their community. What a fun time we had with the children.
Returning to the Mission House, we started sorting the MANY donations we received. That task took several hours but in the end we have our donations sorted for the next five days.
A small group of us headed to the waterfalls in San Buenaventura Ventura to do a little zip lining (Pulhapanzak). I was part of this group and wasn’t sure about it. So glad I didn’t chicken out and took advantage of this thrill. The guys that helped us were great and very patient. There were eight lines we rode starting with three being short preparing us for the five higher and longer ones. Pictures to follow.
Returning to the Mission House we helped sort medications for the mobile pharmacy we will take along to the villages each day.
After our days debriefing I headed to bed. Goodnight for now.
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