Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Thursday, January 30, 2020 PHOTOS

Sugar Cane fields

Sharing the road with cattle

This is a beautiful 15 year old young lady.  Her teeth look awesome until she opened her mouth.  To the right is a piece of calculus (tartar) removed from her lower front teeth.  The bottom picture is what her mouth looked like when I first saw her.  Sadly, I did not have the proper equipment to get her cleaned up the way I would have liked.  Even more sad, is the fact that her lower front teeth were mobile, meaning she will likely loose then to periodontal disease.  So wish I would have done more. 😔

Bill and Elana working at the De-worming and Vitamin A station

Linda and Sylvia working at the donation table

Glenda and Carol B working at the Vitals table

Marlene working in pharmacy busy recording the medications that were given out today.

CONSTRUCTION -- Giving a community family a new floor

                                          Vernon talking with the "head of the house" where a new floor was put down.                                                                                   He was so proud of his new floor and was happy to show us his home.       
This is what the roof of his home looked like.

The new floor with the new oven
The new oven
The proud family.  (Only 6 live in this house, the rest live in a house beside this on that also got a new floor)

Visiting a Palm Tree Farm Honduras is the biggest exporter of palm oil in Central America.  Oil palms are able to produce fruit for harvest within 4-6 years of planting, if fertilized well.  Life expectancy, on average, is 28-30 years for a palm tree.  Fully mature trees are usually 40 feet tall.  At this time, it becomes difficult to harvest the bundles due to the weight of each bundle which average 75 - 100 pounds

Driving through the palm trees
Donkey's carry the palm fruit to the waiting trucks

Palm fruits grow in dense bundles that are wedged tightly in between the branches. This picture shows fruit that isn’t yet ripe. It will eventually turn a brighter red-orange color.
Palm Fruit is where the palm oil comes from


Dried loofah --ready for harvest.
Green loofah -- not ready to be harvested

Vernon cleaning the loofah.  We each got to bring a piece home. 


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