Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Here is a list of our final count from the week:


Deworming: 580
Vitamin A to children: 151

Children identified with Malnutrition: 99

Individuals receiving reading glasses: 131

Vitamins (adult and children):  908

Rice packets given: 1417  (each family was given one pack of fortified rice and soy blend (contains vitamins and minerals)

Medical Consultations: 635

Typical health problems treated identified by the doctors: Gastritis, common cold, dermatitis,  pharyngitis,                            and muscle pain   

Dental consultations: 106 (fillings 51, extractions 40, and cleanings 44)

People receiving donations: 919

Cement floors: 25 with a total of 118 people benefiting

Water Filtration systems: 20 benefiting 305 people

Saturday, February 1, 2020 PHOTOS

Our Honduras Team 2020


Irrigating the sugar cane fields

Sugar Cane field


sitting on the wire beside the Mission House
 Mamma bird is guarding her nest which is located between the window bars.  You can see her head popping out from the bars.

Don't know what kind of bird it is but she can sure make noise!!

Friday, January 31 PHOTOS

Orange tree
Lemon Tree (this is a very large, sweet lemon)

(Top two pictures) Community people waiting for us to arrive.  
(Lower picture) Community people getting registered prior to coming into the clinics

Young boy helping to offload the supply truck

My new friends.  When I arrived, the little girl came and gave he a hug followed by the two boys.  Of course, this was a photo opportunity.  All day these three children would come to say HI!.  At the end of the day we were blowing bubbles and tickling each other.  WHAT FUN!!!!!!

Today Sylvia and I were at the vital sign station

What a fun way to take vitals...holding a 4 week old little girl. 

Linda talking with a community member.
The children loved their school supplies
Vernon giving this 79 year old lady an eye test.  YES, she needed reading glasses.  She was so happy when she left with her glasses.


Bill and Sylvia with the babies


 You see many babies wearing red bracelets.  This is cultural to protect babies from the evil eye.  According to tradition, a baby who is the victim of the evil eye can run a fever, cry nonstop, or show other symptoms.

 Mini Bananas have a unique flavor that is similar to but sweeter 
than the more traditional, larger bananas.

At the end of the day, children are anxious to help us pack up and carry things out to the truck.  They are so energetic.  It was fun watching them carry item that were almost as big as they were. 


Bill and Sylvia's son, Brad, makes hand turned pens, bowls and gifts. Bill asked Danilo (one of our translators that lives on the Palm Tree Farm) if he could get his a piece of wood.  Here Bill is working with Carlos to cut the wood.  This particular wood is very hard and it took some time to get through it. (Of course, the chain saw was a tad bit dull!!)

I am presenting Karin with pouches that will be used in the Nutrition Center so the ladies have a place to keep their personal supplies.